Thursday, February 23, 2012

OZ shows re-post re-grip

thanks to everyone who came out to the Judith Writght Center in Brisbane and made the show a truly great time! I will see all of you again soon..

got a couple more things this weekend before the walk of shame back to the PAC NW::

Saturday Feb 25th - SYDNEY - w/ BLANK REALM, Camperdown & Out, Stitched Vision and DJs Angela Bermuda & Lucy Cliche @ FBI Social

Sunday Feb 26th - MELBOURNE - w/ Angel Eyes, Rites Wild + DJ ROAD CHIEF permanent midnight prevue sesh! @ Gasometer

Monday Feb 27th - MELBOURNE - in-store performance at Polyester City Records - 5:30pm

Monday Feb 27th - MELBOURNE - DJ ROAD CHIEF DIVER DOWN UNDER PERMANENT MIDNIGHT PARTY - @ Worker's Club - the night time is the right time

make sure to come out for the end of a quite magical trip. and thanks again to everyone i've met along the way. it's be da da deep


  1. Thanks so much for the fantastic show! Please come back soon...

  2. Holy crap.
    Why I am reading this now and not 3 months ago?

  3. Sorry dear I have miss your show, now tell when you are organizing your show in brisbane.
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  4. When you are going to organize your show is it in September .

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