Back from No Fun Fest and ready to officially release the CDR version of
"A Pocket Full of Rain"
This version is limited to 200 copies and contains both extended mixes of some tracks and two new tracks not included on the cassette release.
1. Extended Forecast (13:24)
2. The Marfa Lights (9:07)
3. A Pocket Full of Rain (1:36)
4. Radio Flyer (10:37)
5. Shallow where it should be Deep (1:46)
6. Aquaduct (5:08)
7. Sick Chemistry (10:54)
8. Sun Shining Through the Open Barn Door (2:53)
Comes with full-colour artwork in a slimline black case. There's 25.6 seconds left in the fourth quarter, the Cavs are up 105 to 104 against Orlando, Lebron just put one up and got fouled. This is intense.
$10 ppd US $14 ppd World
The Cavs just lost. Bummer.
email peacetrials@yahoo.com to reserve copies. Your support is greatly appreciated.